2023 Barometer of equity and bonds financing

FirmFunding is making available its business barometer for the year 2023, from which the following insights can be drawn:

  • in terms of sectors: Services represent the leading sector, ahead of real estate, which retains an important place despite the difficulties in the sector, which are also reflected in financing volumes. Financial services are still present, particularly financing platforms, whose success is undeniable in the current context of interest rates and more complex access to bank financing. As in the previous year, Industry continues to play an important role. FirmFunding continued to place particular emphasis on the Green/Impact aspects of SME financing needs, which account for 1/3 of all financing.
  • in terms of financing typologies: Pure private debt (dry bonds) accounted for just under half the number of financing requests, leaving more room for mezzanine and equity financing than in the previous two years.
  • in terms of project typologies: Organic growth accounted for 2/3 of projects, with external growth gaining ground. Refinancing, capital reorganization and asset financing are next in line.
  • In 2023, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region rivals Ile de France in terms of location for SME head offices, ahead of Occitanie. Brittany, Bourgogne Franche Comté, Hauts de France and Nouvelle Aquitaine are next in line.

With €156 million of financing put online, in a complex and wait-and-see market context due to the reorganization of the interest rate market, FirmFunding marketplace has maintained its ability to give SMEs access to financing enabling them to bring their projects to life, while strengthening their balance sheet and and preserving their cash flow.


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