Webinar “ Benefits of Private Debt ”
Analyses and explanations of the usefulness, advantages and uses of private debt financing as a method of equity financing
How to support the growth of French companies through new financing solutions? What is the interest of private debt to finance business development?
Florence Vasilescu and François Miquet-Marty, President of the Viavoice polling institute, responded to these issues, drawing in particular on the study on financingTrends carried out among the boards of SMEs. These interventions were an opportunity to recall the advantages of a high of balance sheet financing for companies, in the current context of the Covid crisis: strengthening of equity capital, repayment in fine and preservation of cash flows, support for recovery ... and to specify its characteristics, in comparison with other financing tools available to entrepreneurs, bank loans and pure equity. This type of financing is accessible to all sectors, for any financing project (internal and external growth, transmission, intangible, ...) and is intended to become a real alternative to so-called traditional financing.
FirmFunding is there to make it accessible to SMEs and their top boards. The webinar was organized by the Club Haut de Bilan du Centre des Professions Financières, chaired by Eric Gaillat.
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