Publication by France Invest of the survey on the activity of private debt funds in France, prepared in collaboration with Deloitte.
Publication by France Invest of the survey on the activity of private debt funds in France, prepared in collaboration with Deloitte.
What do we learn from it?
Essentially, that debt fund activity remains strong in 2022, despite a tense environment, and more specifically:
- that funds invested in companies have significantly increased in 2022 compared to 2021 (+30%)
- that debt fund raisings are also up 12% over last year
What does this mean?
That private debt is an essential tool for the financing of SMEs, as a complement to banking
This interesting, detailed and clear survey shows (once again!) how important it is for companies to diversify their sources of financing with the professional players of the privatizedebt and privateequity.
Download the survey
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